Thursday, December 21, 2006

How To Create Drip Irrigation

Merry Christmas

...e sopratutto buon anno nuovo!

Quest'anno non ho fatto l'albero a casa...e allora l'ho fatto qui. (il primo che lo prende in giro per quant'è brutto vince sett'anni di disgrazia eh?)


BUONE FESTE!!!!!!!!! Mangiate mangiate mangiate. Bevete Bevete Bevete.

E sopratutto siate sereni.

Regalo a tutti un sorriso per iniziare un nuovo anno con fiducia speranza e amore.

Che tutti i sogni si realizzino ...(magari non tutti, altrimenti per 2008 that you?) Other

365 days of recipes, entertainment and happy things.

short. I I'm leaving for Berlin. So we resent after 4 h!


ps. if you have not already done so gifts ... launch an appeal. Spend your money to support something useful.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

President With Hemorrhoids

Beets. It took me many years to appreciate them. As a child, and do not think I'm the only one really made me feel. The flavor is unique, sometimes daunting. At home we ate the boiled potatoes mixed with mayonnaise and plenty.

I have not bought them for years, then all Suddenly, the desire to be affected by these flavors (strong form of self-harm, I said to myself) And

search search, is located, by Sergiott here I found a recipe that seemed to be inviting.

For 2 persons:

-200 g -1 beet noodles

medium large not pre-cooked (I said no, the pre-cooked!)

-garlic-olive oil, salt and pepper.

To cook beets is to boil a couple of hours, with the skin.

Then, peel and chop finely with a little oil to create a thick cream. Add salt to taste. Sauté in a

pan with a clove of garlic a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and red pepper and cream

sautéed beet. Drain the pasta and toss a couple of minutes in a pan. Serve.

Who is good at what : beet is a refreshing food, useful for lowering cholesterol, aids digestion, high in fiber and magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron. His dall'ortaggio raw juice obtained was inserted between the useful substances in cancer prevention. Its color is due to anthocyanosides, which have the ability to increase the viability of red blood cells.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Is Bams Tattoo On The Side

noodles with cream beet gnocchi with salmon and radicchio cream

Well radicchio mei is a favorite condiment for pasta! I think the dumplings are the ultimate expression of joy for the palate. So here I repeat this time of gnocchi with radicchio with smoked salmon.

-500 g

gnocchi radicchio


-100 ml of fresh cream

-100 gr of smoked salmon

-oil, salt & pepper

Fry in a couple of tablespoons of finely chopped onion in the oil. Once golden add the radicchio, cut into thin strips and half a glass of water. Far wither and dry everything and go to the blender seasoning with salt, pepper and cream.

On another frying pan, soften the diced salmon with a teaspoon of butter for a few moments. Boil the water and boil the dumplings.

Drain and stir over low heat in the pan with the cream of radicchio. Then pour the salmon, stir gently and serve.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Brampton Cineplex Odeon

My Sacher cakes

From what I understand the recipe for Sacher does not really exist, or rather, the original is filed and we do not just have to go to trial and try to get closer to what we can to the original (or rather, what we like!)

do so is not very difficult, indeed, just have a little bit di pazienza!

La glassatura originaria doveva essere fatta solo ed esclusivamente di cioccolata, io ho trovato questa a casa cavoletto e mi è sembrata molto più goduriosa!

Beh. Pronti? Partenza...Via!

Per uno stampo di 24 cm di diametro (io l'ho usato di 28 e infatti è un pò bassa):

Torta base:

-250gr di cioccolato fondente (min 65%)
-8 uova
-250 gr di burro
-250 gr di zucchero
-230 gr di farina
1 bustina di zucchero vanigliato
400 gr di marmellata di albicocche (di quella buona)

Per la glassa :

-350 gr di cioccolato fondente
-125 gr di panna fresca
-30 gr di zucchero

1)Fondere il cioccolato o a bagno maria o a microonde a 500 di potenza max, per circa 3 minuti e tenere da parte. In una ciotola capiente lavorare il burro molto di molto morbido tagliato a pezzettini con lo zucchero e un pizzico di sale fino ad ottenere un composto alquanto spumoso. Versare in questa crema molto lentamente il cioccolato fuso e mescolare per benino. Aprite le uova ad una ad una, mettendo gli albumi in una ciotola a parte, e i tuorli nella crema di cioccolato amalgamandoli uno alla volta.

2)Montare a neve ferma gli albumi con un pizzico di sale e unirli al composto principale stirring up and top down.
Now add the sifted flour, mixed with baking powder, mixing it all with a wooden spoon until a smooth cream.

Pour into a springform pan of 24 cm in diameter has been buttered and floured and bake at 180 degrees for about an hour.
cooking occurs by inserting a toothpick in the center of the cake. If comes out clean and smelled something burning is ready:)))

3) Let the cake cool for good, even overnight if you do not have time to go.
Cut it in half (trying to go straight with a long serrated knife type of bread, being careful in this operation otherwise we will break everything)
Spread the jam on one half and close.

4) Moment icing.

Melt chocolate in microwave or over hot water in a saucepan caramelize
20 grams of water with 30 grams of sugar.
In another saucepan heat the cream but do not boil. When the water is ready mix it with cream and sugar, remove from heat, add the melted chocolate now and turn turn turn until it becomes all black.

Now you have the cake frosting. Well. Do yoga? No? Ouch ... Ouch.
Place cake on a cardboard the same diameter, for food (or alternatively on a platter see photos, success is poor but functional!) Place the center of the cake slowly and spread the icing with a long blade or a knife. Try to cover the cake evenly, dropping the icing on the sides and spreading them well. The glaze will look so much at this point. Continue to pour on the cake, frosting to have a high top (bbuona).
Finished? We will have chocolate in places that we do not remember having. Take a shower. And put the pie in the fridge!

Spanish Parmesan Cheese

The thistle oil, garlic & chilli

thistles I have always been a sad one. Vilified by all, cooked in a gratin drowned by the sauce and nutmeg, as if to clear the taste. Poor things.

I had never cooked, but then, with the usual box of organic, I have found quite a few in the fridge. Roll up our sleeves. I was going to make them exactly as tradition winter gratin wants. But then I tasted them and I read it I thought. I think they taste very similar to the artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke very nearly, a neighbor of celery, delicate aftertaste. In short, the thistles have a character all their own, so I fried them.

Clean thistles by cutting the leaves to remove the green part then pull the threads as you would for celery or fennel. Delete if there are thorns and wet them just like artichokes with lemon blacken otherwise.

boil in abbondante acqua leggermente salata e acidulata con il succo di mezzo limone per almeno un'oretta. Quando sembreranno morbidi scolarli e farli saltare in padella con olio evo, un peperoncino e uno spicchio d'aglio.

Ah, dimenticavo, dato che...ogni erba che viene su ha sempre le sue virtù, i cardi sono ricchi di calcio, potassio e sodio.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Types Of Muscle Relaxant

curry risotto with cabbage and salted pumpkin

Il cavolo nero possiede tutte le proprietà note dei cavoli, rivitalizzante, depurativo autoimmunizzante antiinfluenzale e, dicono, utile nella prevenzione dei tumori.

La zucca è ipocalorica, ricca di vitamina A , betacarotene potassio calcio fosforo e molte fibre. Cosa che non sapevo ma troppo utile è che l'estratto di zucca unito al latte è indicato nel controllo delle nausee mattutine e per i disturbi gastrici.

Insomma aggiungiamoci poi il fatto che insieme rappresentano al meglio l'autunno il freddo e il conforto, ecco qui un risottino facile facile.

Per due persone:

-3 tazzine di caffè riempite di riso per risotto (vialone, carnaroli)

-mezza cipolla

-c/a 2 etti di zucca

-4 o 5 foglie di cavolo nero

- 1 cucchiaino colmo di curry

-olio evo

-un paio di litri di brodo vegetale

-un pezzetto di burro

Preparate il brodo vegetale o semplicemente un paio liters of boiling water slightly salty.

Cut all vegetables into small pieces. In a pan heat 3 tablespoons oil, then fry the onion. Once dried add the cabbage and cut into strips deprived of part of the coast harder, add a ladle of broth mix cover and allow to evaporate for about ten minutes. Then add the diced pumpkin, a ladle of broth, cover and allow to soften for 5 minutes. Pour the rice and cook. Cover with the broth, pour a teaspoon of curry mix, reduce heat and let go until cooked rice (about 18 minutes), adding the broth as the rice absorbs it. When cooked mix it all with a bit of butter, season with salt and serve.

Friday, November 17, 2006

What Can I Buy My Nephew For His 3rd Birthday

Focaccia Grape

With the box of organic fruit that I take every week, I received a lot of grape queen, with very good sweet beautiful grains firm and tasty. Since I was a little insane and I have the passion to eat almost every kind of fruit bread, tangerines and oranges are the ultimate goodness, followed by apples, grapes, bananas .... And so I came up with a great desire of this marriage, I was inspired here but I tried to make it salty, so you can bring to the table along with the normal ... or make bread or eat it after dinner snack .... ... : P

I did not use the traditional yeast because lack of time. The result was a cake made tougher, not suitable for sauces here, but uvula delicious and tasty.

For a mold of c / a 22 cm diameter

- 300 grams of flour

-1 heaping tablespoon of salt

-2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

-1 tablespoon baking pies for instant


glass of water - about twenty grains of salt grape-

Wash grapes, cut the beans in half and remove the seeds.

Mix the flour with water, oil and the teaspoon of salt (if the dough is too wet aggiungere farina, e viceversa). All'ultimo incorporare il lievito. Stendere con le mani l'impasto in una teglia da forno unta di olio. A questo punto, sull'impasto appoggiare l'uva spingendo bene chicco per chicco per farli "incastrare" nella pasta. Cospargere con un pizzico di sale grosso ed un filo di olio.

Infornare in forno già caldo, a 200° per un'oretta. (Ogni forno è bello a mamma sua, quindi dopo una mezz'oretta si inizia a verificare la cottura!)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Skate Sharpeners For Sale

She to him: visions semi-series for a weekend of relaxation

Già. E' giovedì e penso al weekend.
E chi vuole capire capisca e chi vuole annotare annoti....

Venerdì : Lasciatevi logorare bustle of modern life. Run from one side of your town, trying desperately not to be late for the usual commitments of Friday evening .. When you just swallowed a frugal dinner, not even smoke, run the cold and frost to the collection point of your fruits and vegetables, 10 pounds of goodness with you load on your motor and then prance toward the house of your friends with hungry chips and beer, your brains on how the scorpion dies cabbage as big as king kong and lambiccatevi the brain to save the world with a dice roll. At three o'clock in the morning when you will never get more eyes and make you nap-nap sleep rimettetevi on the bike from cold and gelo e correte verso casa facendo slalom fra le macchine in piena corsa in cerca di donnine facili.
Dormite. Anzi crollate sulla vostra settimana enigmistica facendo schiuma dalla bocca come Homer Simpson. Meglio di Homer Simpson.

Sabato :e invece finalmente il sabato arriva. Svegliatevi con calma lasciando al vostro corpo il privilegio di darsi una sveglia propria.
Dirigetevi lenti, con calma, verso la macchina a gas ed adagiatevi la moka. Ritornate a letto e svegliate la vostra compagna(!) con baci leggeri e poco invasivi e massaggi rigeneranti sulla schiena usando tutta la delicatezza che non sapevate di avere.
Il caffè è uscito. Dirigetevi con leggerezza ed agilità verso la cucina. Servite the coffee. Arrange on a platter the good things bought for the occasion: fresh milk, cereals and organic muesli, nuts and honey which are now produced in industrial quantities by the holy hands of the holy woman who also attends and hosts, yogurt jelly, yogurt with nuts, fresh fruit, grapes, apples, sugar cane.
Slightly open the shutters and windows and have a healthy and refreshing breakfast.
Someone will buy the papers at this point. Read more in the company of your companion between a laugh and a smile.
Upon completion of your biological functions without any hesitation, and many more.

your way to your house and you will make a purifying bath. Your credit computer will keep you company all the time that your woman will go to meeting new friends with yoga yogi yogis eating whole cakes too. Do not ask yourself why you need to go to yoga. Do not be useless questions. Meanwhile
you do not have to do is look for good movies to enjoy Berlin on Sunday.
Your loved one will be happy you calm and relaxed. Ready to put on pajamas, prepare a plate of spaghetti and put in front of the TV to see Maria De Filippi (or at your chosen cinema pass, b-movie waaay undemanding)
He comes home ... and if she will feel generous and magnanimous the trumpet is open-minded. Otherwise, kiss and sunk in the favorite book ... avvolti da morbide coperte.

Domenica : OHHHHHHHH finalmente domenica diceva un film (mi sembra). Sveglia vedi sabato mattina. Me se la sera prima lei è stata spupazzata a dovere è probabile che si svegli di buonumore e che ti porti lei la colazione e ti faccia i massaggi e ti adori per un po’. Purtroppo non potrai mangiare le leccornie della mattina prima visto che saranno alla casa di cui di lei. Inconvenienti.

Ciabattando dirigetevi verso il salone e godetevi “Il cielo sopra berlino” di Wenders. E a raffica tutti i film che avrete scelto il giorno prima!
Godetevi la partita pomeridiana. Date sfogo a tutti i vostri più abietti stati d’animo. Urlate bevete birra and hard liquor belch curse. Well. Bring out the gollum who is in you.
Come back from the game focus on regenerative activity, watered the balcony and talk to the plants, you take oxygen to your lungs, take a nice nap.
Wake up and if she will again be in a good mood, give us in, otherwise prepared a lovely tea for two ....

idly and then ... And then you decide what to do in the evening. Another film? Another film? A lazy drink with friends?

Friday, November 10, 2006

How Do I Write A Letter To My Son's Coach?

Dolcetti carrots and almonds with orange icing

These cakes I've made here to bring a good and healthy dessert to my grandchildren acquired. Their flavor is a bit spartan ma la glassatura li rende saporiti dolci e scioglievoli.

Insomma, il risultato è stato che i bimbi prima si sono divorati la glassa e poi il resto!!!:)

Ho usato tutti alimenti biologici, la nuova fissazione (ben ripagata in verità) del momento!

Per una decina di dolcetti :

- 4 uova

-3 carote

-160 gr di zucchero di canna (ma anche semplice)

-120 gr di burro

-160 grdi farina

-un cucchiaino colmo di lievito in polvere per dolci

-80 gr di farina di mandorle

Per la glassa :

-100 gr di sugar

-3 tablespoons of orange juice

Finely grate the carrots and let them dry on a layer of absorbent paper.

Mix well the eggs well with sugar and add melted butter. Add the sifted flour and mixed with yeast, almonds and, last, carrots.
Pour spoonfuls of the mixture into muffin papers (or only in a pan of c / a 22 cm diameter greased and floured) and bake in a pan instead of muffin.
Bake in preheated oven at 160 degrees for 25 minutes.
cool, prepare the icing: Mix icing sugar with three tablespoons of juice and spread on cake.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Canary Islands Vs Mauritius Honeymoon

Gateau Potato

Il tipico piatto da un mercoledì di festa da mangiare spalmati sul letto guardando i tg! Quel giallo li è la mia amata copertina di pile! Un pò di coccole, le patate coccolano l'intestino, il gateau mangiato caldo/tiepido coccola il palato e la gola dopo i primi freddi....

- 1 kg di patate

-250 ml di latte intero

-50 gr di burro

-2 uova

-1 etto di prosciutto cotto

-1 mozzarella fior di latte


- sale pepe & noce moscata

Lessare le patate e passarle al passaverdura dentro una ciotola capiente. Aggiungere il burro sciolto, girare, aggiungere il latte riscaldato il sale il pepe e abbondante noce moscata (gli da quel sapore di un certo nonsochè, di piatto antico). Incorporare le due uova.

Prendere una teglia da torta imburrare le pareti e spolverare con del pangrattato. Formare il primo strato di patate con metà del composto. Sulla superficie tagliuzzare la mozzarella e adagiare i pezzetti del prosciutto cotto (affettato, non a cubetti). Io personalmento l'ho caricato anche con dei piccoli dadini di provola affumicata (che si sa, la metto ovunque).

Ricoprire con l'altra metà del composto. Coprire la superficie con abbondante pangrattato e fiocchetti di burro qua e la.

Infornare a 180° per una 40ina di minuti.. fare le porzioni nei piatti, metterli in un largo vassoio e correre sotto le coperte!

P.S. In teoria ci andrebbe il parmigiano grattuggiato! Una manciata nel composto di patate e una bella spolverata sulla superficie insieme al pangrattato. Io non lo uso mai nelle ricette perchè il mio assaggiatore di fiducia è visibilmente schifato dal suo sapore.....uff.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Abilify Auditory Hallucinations

The findings of the young baller

Ieri ho scoperto Flickr !

Beh, scoperto l'avevo già scoperto...non sono così rimbambita...
Ma ieri ho caricato le mie foto, ho fatto un giretto fra le foto di altri... Insomma c'è un universo là dentro!

Che fico!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Master Lock Colored Combination Open

cabbage seasoned with Donna

Just to sit around in the kitchen theme!

Face cabbage. Cabbage that you face. What the hell are you doing?. How the hell you bring your good 30 years. Brand new.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

What Is The Best Metal For A Lightweight Go Kart

old hat

Yeah. I know. Who is around here expects a recipe ... or as I know!

But the truth is that I love photography and these days are all very concentrated on a creative journey in my head. When I am alone at home I eat up and running now and then mounts the stand.

Last night I ate steak and salad. The other day a tomato. Well. To explain everything to me and to whom interested or bored read that here in this blog I like to put everything. And I'd like to come on all!

short. Kisses.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Missouri Motorcycle Insurance Prices

Insostenibile leggerezza dell'essere

Monday, September 25, 2006

What The Word From Nfusion Jan 14 2010

Spaghetti alici pomodorini e pangrattato

But what is hard to find the names to the recipes?? I know, I crowned queen of kitsch with a "spaghetti triumph on the sea and tomatoes crowned "(???): PPP

This recipe I heard long ago in a TV broadcast unidentified and I tried again to make it this weekend. The anchovy is known, often set them down again now for the dough, but I find them tasty and light.

Per 2 persone

-200 gr di spaghetti (spesso io uso i de cecco)

-250 gr di alici fresche già pulite

-10 pomodorini


-2 spicchi di aglio

-1/2 bicchiere di vino bianco

-olio & sale

In una ciotolina amalgamare 4 cucchiai di pangrattato con 4 cucchiai di olio evo, mezzo spicchio di aglio schiacciato e un pizzico di sale. Girare con una forchetta e fare assorbire l'olio. Lavare e tagliare in due i pomodorini e sopra ogni metà, con un cucchiano,appoggiare in modo sufficientemente "compattante" un pò di composto di pangrattato. Infornare a 180 ° in una piroila ricoperta di carta da forno, con la parte del pangrattato in alto (!) per 15 minuti.

In una padella far rosolare uno spicchio di aglio e abbondante olio. Aggiungere le alici spezzettate e far insaporire. Bagnare con il vino e far cuocere per circa 5 minuti.

Lessare e scolare la pasta. Riaccendere il fuoco, moderato, sotto la padella con le alici versare la pasta e i pomodorini. Girare con gentilezza. Il pangrattato si staccherà un pò dalla maggior parte dei pomodorini e formerà un gustoso sughetto con il pesce.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Where To Buy Moncler Coats Online

CARINI, replication

Ricevo, pubblico e commento!

In data 04/08/06 ricevo una replica non firmata, presumo inviata dal Comune di Carini, via IL VESPRO. La missiva recita quanto segue:



Il rapporto intercorso fra le città di Carini e quella di Pisa è stato fondamentalmente centrato sulla risignificazione storico – culturale degli eventi che hanno collegato le due città in riferimento all’investitura di Ubertino La Grua di origine pisane nel 1397. Posto questo principio fondante che ha animato l’intera edizione del Festival fra Medioevo e Rinascenza al quale ha adeguatamente risposto l’Assessorato alle Historical Events of the city of Pisa, the same event
project also included an extension on the
exploited for tourism in two towns in question reality. E '
in this area is extensive, preliminary agreements have lapsed already
at BIT in Milan, including the promotion of just
productive activities (crafts and food and wine).
place all this, the request was made by the CNA of Pisa, the Councillor informed the productive activity of the same town Dr. Michael Ciangherotti, to include in the aforesaid tourist project in extensive form, although a number of visitors / wine entrepreneurs. The latter claim, though certainly not a dominant part of the whole project
promotion, has been granted. In fact the trend
2006 edition of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Festival in
has fully complied with the primary intent of revisiting spectacular and high profile historical -
cultural connection between the cities of Pisa and the town of Carini which ,
among others, have ratified this agreement, officially with the signing of a protocol signed by the managers
the presence of HE
Gianfranco Romagnoli Prefect of the Republic. In this complex and detailed picture that has found success with the public and the media, in a context of positive and constructive harmony with the host cities of the Festival, with sadness we read of a declaration of an entrepreneur Pisa. They complained of organizational dysfunction by the town of Carini, which would have resulted in the loss of food and wine The town of Carini did not, he said, provided: set up stands, showcases, refrigerators, refrigerator stands. In reality, the facts were the following schedule: Day
July 21, 2006, as agreed, came the food and wine
from Pisa. Upon opening the containers in which they were placed
the same products, goods was, in the eyes of those waiting to Pisa
entrepreneurs Carini, already thoroughly deteriorated. None
storage has been done because the goods have arrived
the same day of the event (July 21) and also
was not possible to store 700 kg of product in a technical room used as a water plant
limited in space. Its large refrigerators, that are already available
Hotel Azzolini, Carini,
were also used by entrepreneurs. The organizer of the festival
also made available at the medieval village, two gazebos
of tops and provided a local
showcase refrigerator for storage of products of immediate use for public exposure.
A van was also made available to allow
from time to time, the transfer of food products from the refrigerated
Hotel Azzolini the exhibition venue.
'm Sorry, therefore, in a context of mutual friendship between the cities participating in the Festival
that a lone voice, because of an accident
certainly not attributable to the town of Carini and, we believe, even
the municipality of Pisa , discredits an event whose echo is
established at national level.

Too bad the person who replied
has forgotten and has also failed to identify the following:

Mr distinguished honor, the goods we sent arrived in Carini July 19 and that in two days in advance and rejected by responsible for the Festival of transport as demonstrated by the documents in our possession. ( Giac. No. 1304 of 19/07/06). As reported by the documents, copies available on request
, some cheese had gone bad and not because they come from Pisa in the state but because of poorly preserved in that Carini from 19 to 21/07. As for the stands and the rest I refer you to some explicit photos scatattate with a cell phone. photos taken with camera are available upon request. So, kind sir, before writing mistakes, just to try to prepare themselves away, you better informed. Finally, for information of those responsible, the chef Azzolini gave us written and signed statement about the decay of all stocks with the commitment to allocate the goods to the incinerator. (Copy statement available on request)

Ad Majora

P. Perna

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Recipe For Kraft Seven Seas Creamy Italian

But what decree ...

E 'for nearly two years planning to open Wine Bar . Now, with the opportunity che dovrebbe concedere il Decreto Bersani , il progetto, ho pensato, dovrebbe diventare realtà.
Ho cominciato a chiedere informazioni a destra e a manca e ho cercato di leggere fra le righe del decreto. La liberalizzazione dovrebbe interessare anche il settore somministrazione alimenti e bevande. Chiamo il mio comune, Pisa , e chiedo lumi!

D - Buongiorno, senta io vorrei aprire un Wine-bar avvalendomi del Decreto Bersani, cosa devo fare per ottenere la licenza?

R - La deve comprare!

D - Come sarebbe.

R - Si ha capito bene, a Pisa le licenze di somministrazione sono contingentate e non sono previsti nuovi calls. The Bersani decree here does not represent us because we follow the directives of the Toscana region, in this case sovereign. His only option is to buy one in the market!

Thanks for your help, I will think. Goodbye!

The lobby of the restaurant, it seems, is the strongest of all.

are hostages of the Commune. This, in your opinion, is democracy?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Full Sharking Dailymotion


At the request of the City of Carini , in the person of the culture Joseph Agrusa , the City of Pisa, in the person 's Councillor for Productive Activities, Lady Mary Michelle Ciangherotti , invite a representative group of wine and food business operators of Pisa in the undersigned, to attend a cultural event that provides a kind of twinning between the town of Carini and that of Pisa for 21 and 22 July last. Before you leave wine professionals advance some basic requirements:

1. stands prepared
2. refrigerated
cold rooms
refrigerator stands

Bids are only accepted but is provided by the City of Carini, the most extensive warranties.
When we arrived, nothing had been assured that everything was available. The goods were stored in a "warehouse" (former public toilet) inside which there was an autoclave and a temperature exceeding 50 degrees.
Thanks to 'incompetence of the two municipal administrations, we lost about 700 kg of products, poor storage and break the cold chain, which had sent a week earlier courier chilled. (Knights Spa)
The party, which was also part of the Association of Maritime Republics Pisa con a capo la Signora Bianca Maria Storchi ,
Assessore alla Cultura di Pisa , e con la quale avremmo dovuto integrarci, non comprendeva, a detta dell'Assessore, gli imprenditori che ignari della realtà e certi di una buona organizzazione, si sono trovati, loro malgrado, a gestire una situazione di assoluto disagio e improvvisazione.

Un ringraziamento a cotanta organizzazione e un arrivederci in altra sede.

Nei prossimi giorni verranno avanzate, da parte degli imprenditori, me compreso, richiesta di risarcimento danni con riserva di adire le vie legali.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sony Chinese Vaio Cell Phone

"You can take the Man out of the Rough Neighborhood, But You Can not Take the Rough Neighborhood out of the Man."
(Thierry Henry)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Tech Deck Designs To Print Out


Dear Mr. Zidane, the night before the game was not in Berlin to Madrid!

Viva l'Italia

Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Free Lobster Boat Plans


Tha Italiener weiß, wie man zwei Kartoffeln in zwei Minuten kocht (Traduttore automatico)

potato number one

Kartoffel Nummer zwei

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Licenca I Kod Za Registry Mechanic

What happened to the former Bobby goal?

Juve , l'uomo nuovo è Montali .
Il c.t della pallavolo entrerà nel Consiglio di amministrazione per cambiare l'immagine del club. Abituato a gestire le risorse umane, da anni tiene seminari per le aziende sul tema.
E mentre per il caso Moggiopoli fioccano le prime confessioni, io mi chiedo: che fine ha fatto Roberto Bettega ? Why does triad has become a duo?
It 'disappeared into thin air. It is almost
defiladed to hope that no one made his name, which no one would notice him.
Bobby? where are you? Your fingers are clean or a bit Moggi 'jam gave it to you?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ant On The Dollar Bill

Proud to be "Gaetano"

Again in 2006 Gaeta is awarded the Blue Flag , the prestigious European award given by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education). A prestigious result for Gaeta, a town once again rewarded for his attention to the protection of water quality, and the costs of security measures.

Photos of Gaeta

History of Gaeta

Friday, April 21, 2006

Installing .cad Games On Mt Ipaq Ppc


survey de Day on drinks consumed in 10 trendy clubs of Milan has revealed an alarming situation with regard to bacteria present in the snacks offered in conjunction with alcohol. Poor food storage e la scarsa igiene con cui sono presentati, sia prima che durante il servizio, pare essere la causa della proliferazione di una carica batterica superiore a 5.000 volte il limite consentito. Ma c’è di più: dopo la denuncia di Telefono Blu Sos Consumatori sulle sostanze nocive contenute nei cartoni da asporto della pizza, interviene sull’argomento anche il giornalista Cesare Lanza nella sua rubrica Mister No (Libero). Dopo aver elencato i dati di pericolosità, afferma: "Mi limito per ora a un elemento: la denuncia appare documentata e persuasiva, confido in repliche altrettanto minuziose".
(tratto da C.P.)