Friday, January 5, 2007

Constpation And Uti, Man

Spaghetti alla carbonara is one of the typical Roman dishes, along with the gricia pasta, cheese and pepper and mythical extinct rigatoni with pajata .... sigh.

should use fresh eggs, I have a paranoia on the eggs and then use only those that come from the farm every week along with organic vegetables. Otherwise buy the ultra fresh chickens on the ground, those on the moon make the egg to the contrary ... (oh well)

Carefully follow the procedure, some small attentions make these unforgettable spaghetti!

For 2 persons:

-250 grams of spaghetti (yes, there are many, but I assure you that for 2 finiranno)

-1 uovo intero

-1 tuorlo

-1 fetta di guanciale

-una cucchiaiata di burro

-olio evo

-pepe nero & sale


Mentre l'acqua raggiunge il bollore, far sciogliere in una padella il burro e l'olio in parti uguali senza farli friggere. Aggiungere il guanciale tagliato a dadini piccoli e far rosolare velocemente. Non aggiungere sale.

Spegnere il fuoco e far raffreddare il tutto. E' importante altrimenti le uova verranno a frittata.

Una volta raffreddato, per una decina di minuti, aggiungere le uova precedentemente sbattute, tantissimo pepe nero e mischiare tutto per benino in the pan.

Drain the spaghetti and toss very hot leaving little watery in the pan, where the egg will cook in seconds. E 'therefore necessary to mix well. Be avoided to the fire again, the egg coagulates immediately. Only if we realize that too much water is left to right for a quick sfiammata heat.

Here. And, for intellectual honesty, I must admit that "the photographer" makes them better than me!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Trailer Lease Agreement .doc

Risotto Barolo & scamorza

So. First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Groundhog year posting a recipe that is so dear to me, is a risotto that I do often, for quiet evenings, when after give you a crazy week last a good glass of wine and relax following the preparation of rice ...

Specifically, the original recipe calls for the Barolo and if it has certainly is delicious!

Um, I personally always do with the classic Chianti, at least 2003. The wine must not be too young otherwise sour everything.

Good. Let's start!

For 2 servings:

- 3 coffee cups full of rice

1 liter of vegetable stock or lightly salted water

-1 full glass of red wine shallot

-1! small-

a slice of bacon


-smoked olive oil and salt to taste

Boil the broth. Dice the bacon and set aside. Thinly slice the shallots and brown them in a large skillet with 3 tablespoons of oil. Also add the bacon and let go until the fat is not transparent. Add rice and toast. Sprinkle with a glass of wine, let it dry and start adding the hot broth to cover rice ladles each time you dry the water, until cooked. It 'best not to touch the rice while it is cooking, let it firm and motionless, just add water. In the smoked cheese and cut into pieces small enough.

A couple of minutes before the end of cottura aggiungere al risotto la scamorza tagliata e girare fin quando non si scioglierà e mischierà al riso. Servire!