Già. E' giovedì e penso al weekend.
E chi vuole capire capisca e chi vuole annotare annoti....
Venerdì : Lasciatevi logorare bustle of modern life. Run from one side of your town, trying desperately not to be late for the usual commitments of Friday evening .. When you just swallowed a frugal dinner, not even smoke, run the cold and frost to the collection point of your fruits and vegetables, 10 pounds of goodness with you load on your motor and then prance toward the house of your friends with hungry chips and beer, your brains on how the scorpion dies cabbage as big as king kong and lambiccatevi the brain to save the world with a dice roll. At three o'clock in the morning when you will never get more eyes and make you nap-nap sleep rimettetevi on the bike from cold and gelo e correte verso casa facendo slalom fra le macchine in piena corsa in cerca di donnine facili.
Dormite. Anzi crollate sulla vostra settimana enigmistica facendo schiuma dalla bocca come Homer Simpson. Meglio di Homer Simpson.
Sabato :e invece finalmente il sabato arriva. Svegliatevi con calma lasciando al vostro corpo il privilegio di darsi una sveglia propria.
Dirigetevi lenti, con calma, verso la macchina a gas ed adagiatevi la moka. Ritornate a letto e svegliate la vostra compagna(!) con baci leggeri e poco invasivi e massaggi rigeneranti sulla schiena usando tutta la delicatezza che non sapevate di avere.
Il caffè è uscito. Dirigetevi con leggerezza ed agilità verso la cucina. Servite the coffee. Arrange on a platter the good things bought for the occasion: fresh milk, cereals and organic muesli, nuts and honey which are now produced in industrial quantities by the holy hands of the holy woman who also attends and hosts, yogurt jelly, yogurt with nuts, fresh fruit, grapes, apples, sugar cane.
Slightly open the shutters and windows and have a healthy and refreshing breakfast.
Someone will buy the papers at this point. Read more in the company of your companion between a laugh and a smile.
Upon completion of your biological functions without any hesitation, and many more.
your way to your house and you will make a purifying bath. Your credit computer will keep you company all the time that your woman will go to meeting new friends with yoga yogi yogis eating whole cakes too. Do not ask yourself why you need to go to yoga. Do not be useless questions. Meanwhile
you do not have to do is look for good movies to enjoy Berlin on Sunday.
Your loved one will be happy you calm and relaxed. Ready to put on pajamas, prepare a plate of spaghetti and put in front of the TV to see Maria De Filippi (or at your chosen cinema pass, b-movie waaay undemanding)
He comes home ... and if she will feel generous and magnanimous the trumpet is open-minded. Otherwise, kiss and sunk in the favorite book ... avvolti da morbide coperte.
Domenica : OHHHHHHHH finalmente domenica diceva un film (mi sembra). Sveglia vedi sabato mattina. Me se la sera prima lei è stata spupazzata a dovere è probabile che si svegli di buonumore e che ti porti lei la colazione e ti faccia i massaggi e ti adori per un po’. Purtroppo non potrai mangiare le leccornie della mattina prima visto che saranno alla casa di cui di lei. Inconvenienti.
Ciabattando dirigetevi verso il salone e godetevi “Il cielo sopra berlino” di Wenders. E a raffica tutti i film che avrete scelto il giorno prima!
Godetevi la partita pomeridiana. Date sfogo a tutti i vostri più abietti stati d’animo. Urlate bevete birra and hard liquor belch curse. Well. Bring out the gollum who is in you.
Come back from the game focus on regenerative activity, watered the balcony and talk to the plants, you take oxygen to your lungs, take a nice nap.
Wake up and if she will again be in a good mood, give us in, otherwise prepared a lovely tea for two ....
idly and then ... And then you decide what to do in the evening. Another film? Another film? A lazy drink with friends?
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