From what I understand the recipe for Sacher does not really exist, or rather, the original is filed and we do not just have to go to trial and try to get closer to what we can to the original (or rather, what we like!)
do so is not very difficult, indeed, just have a little bit di pazienza!
La glassatura originaria doveva essere fatta solo ed esclusivamente di cioccolata, io ho trovato questa a casa cavoletto e mi è sembrata molto più goduriosa!
Beh. Pronti? Partenza...Via!
Per uno stampo di 24 cm di diametro (io l'ho usato di 28 e infatti è un pò bassa):
Torta base:
-250gr di cioccolato fondente (min 65%)
-8 uova
-250 gr di burro
-250 gr di zucchero
-230 gr di farina
1 bustina di zucchero vanigliato
400 gr di marmellata di albicocche (di quella buona)
Per la glassa :
-350 gr di cioccolato fondente
-125 gr di panna fresca
-30 gr di zucchero
1)Fondere il cioccolato o a bagno maria o a microonde a 500 di potenza max, per circa 3 minuti e tenere da parte. In una ciotola capiente lavorare il burro molto di molto morbido tagliato a pezzettini con lo zucchero e un pizzico di sale fino ad ottenere un composto alquanto spumoso. Versare in questa crema molto lentamente il cioccolato fuso e mescolare per benino. Aprite le uova ad una ad una, mettendo gli albumi in una ciotola a parte, e i tuorli nella crema di cioccolato amalgamandoli uno alla volta.
2)Montare a neve ferma gli albumi con un pizzico di sale e unirli al composto principale stirring up and top down.
Now add the sifted flour, mixed with baking powder, mixing it all with a wooden spoon until a smooth cream.
Pour into a springform pan of 24 cm in diameter has been buttered and floured and bake at 180 degrees for about an hour.
cooking occurs by inserting a toothpick in the center of the cake. If comes out clean and smelled something burning is ready:)))
3) Let the cake cool for good, even overnight if you do not have time to go.
Cut it in half (trying to go straight with a long serrated knife type of bread, being careful in this operation otherwise we will break everything)
Spread the jam on one half and close.
4) Moment icing.
Melt chocolate in microwave or over hot water in a saucepan caramelize
20 grams of water with 30 grams of sugar.
In another saucepan heat the cream but do not boil. When the water is ready mix it with cream and sugar, remove from heat, add the melted chocolate now and turn turn turn until it becomes all black.
Now you have the cake frosting. Well. Do yoga? No? Ouch ... Ouch.
Place cake on a cardboard the same diameter, for food (or alternatively on a platter see photos, success is poor but functional!) Place the center of the cake slowly and spread the icing with a long blade or a knife. Try to cover the cake evenly, dropping the icing on the sides and spreading them well. The glaze will look so much at this point. Continue to pour on the cake, frosting to have a high top (bbuona).
Finished? We will have chocolate in places that we do not remember having. Take a shower. And put the pie in the fridge!
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