Friday, November 10, 2006

How Do I Write A Letter To My Son's Coach?

Dolcetti carrots and almonds with orange icing

These cakes I've made here to bring a good and healthy dessert to my grandchildren acquired. Their flavor is a bit spartan ma la glassatura li rende saporiti dolci e scioglievoli.

Insomma, il risultato è stato che i bimbi prima si sono divorati la glassa e poi il resto!!!:)

Ho usato tutti alimenti biologici, la nuova fissazione (ben ripagata in verità) del momento!

Per una decina di dolcetti :

- 4 uova

-3 carote

-160 gr di zucchero di canna (ma anche semplice)

-120 gr di burro

-160 grdi farina

-un cucchiaino colmo di lievito in polvere per dolci

-80 gr di farina di mandorle

Per la glassa :

-100 gr di sugar

-3 tablespoons of orange juice

Finely grate the carrots and let them dry on a layer of absorbent paper.

Mix well the eggs well with sugar and add melted butter. Add the sifted flour and mixed with yeast, almonds and, last, carrots.
Pour spoonfuls of the mixture into muffin papers (or only in a pan of c / a 22 cm diameter greased and floured) and bake in a pan instead of muffin.
Bake in preheated oven at 160 degrees for 25 minutes.
cool, prepare the icing: Mix icing sugar with three tablespoons of juice and spread on cake.


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