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we trust? Fried
La prima volta degli italiani all'estero è terminata ieri alle 16 in punto, quando è stata effettuata l'ultima raccolta delle schede elettorali inviate al Consolato. Secondo indiscrezioni, a Toronto would have voted 35-36 percent of claimants, a figure very close to what was recorded during the referendum of 2003. The Ontario numbers are in line with the national average, according to the Foreign Ministry, is around 38 percent. But the situation is constantly in motion, there is still no definitive count of the ballots. Tight-lipped in the various consulates. Thus, ironically, the only way to get some reliable feedback is to contact the Foreign Ministry in Rome. A few items sure until now. In Toronto, about 20 thousand cards were collected, in Montreal, the figure is around 15 thousand. The total comes to 40 thousand Canadian adding also of Vancouver. In the United States would have voted about 70 thousand Italian-Americans (he participated in the consultation on 31 percent of those entitled). Candidates in Toronto waiting for official news. And, meanwhile, claim to all the winners. we trust? It is especially useful to the vote of those living abroad for decades?
Ad lib (source: Canadian Courier)
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