(4 years later)
curious to know how it is produced the seed oil , that, to understand where they drown tons of potato chips and fried fish (strictly congelate) che tanto piacciono ai nostri bambini? Et voilà:- Prima di tutto occorre un solvente che tiri via dai semi l’olio. Si usa la benzina, che presenta il trascurabile incoveniente di produrre sostanze tipo resine e gomme che andavano bene per la mummificazione dei faraoni ma che il nostro stomaco non sopporta tanto bene.- Si aggiunge quindi un nonnulla di acido fosforico per spazzar via le gomme prodotte dalla benzina. A questo punto si è ottenuto un olio ottimo per tirare a lucido le padelle di rame e le cornici d’argento. Occorre quindi ridurne l’acidità.- Ci soccorre la soda caustica, che trasforma il nostro lucidante in un eccellente bagnoschiuma per le pelli secche.- Trattiamo il bagnoschiuma con acqua tecnologica (?) per eliminare saponification and magically get an oil for scent, color and density, similar to that just pulled out of the engine of a tractor .- Phase bleaching is done with hydrochloric acid activated earth. That is muriatic acid. Separate the colored mud and behold, our oil turns into edible oil. Taste and smell, however, leave much to be desired .- And then what? She puts on deodorant, of course! Then add citric acid to remove the taste horrible and any soap residue. These sink to the bottom creating the best detergent for dishes you have ever experienced. The rest is what ends up in the bottle and then padella.Fantahorror cooking? Gourmet terrorism? No. 'normal production cycle seed oil and olive-pomace. And everything UNDER THE LAW. To be fair, it can also produce an excellent seed oil without disturbing the chemistry but by compression. But the machines suitable for this purpose are expensive and the oil made from it is still more expensive than olive oil!
Good frying at all.
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