We will use probiotics also against hair loss?
E 'early to say ... Meanwhile, researchers
have discovered something more gut-brain axis - skin.
I was really impressed by this revolutionary article published in the journal Experimental Dermatology in which they are presented to the scientific community for centuries, a hypothesis confirmed in all the traditional knowledge:
The existence of an axis gut- brain-skin "and, consequently, the correlation between changes of bowel problems and skin diseases and neurological behavioral .

have already been published hundreds of scientific papers that relate for example the intestinal dysbiosis with atopy, the intestinal micro-cracks with the exacerbation of psoriasis etc.
But now we are taking a major step forward by combining all the pieces of this intricate puzzle physiological-metabolic function in one large image in which organs and systems are no longer watertight chambers.
For over twenty years it was discovered that the infiammazionie system is a factor common to many chronic degenerative diseases, but few have the courage to go further and propose models of diagnosis and treatment that go beyond the specific fields of research.
Scholars arck, Handjiski et al. propose a treatment with probiotics per contrastare lo squilibrio del microbioma intestinale ed arrivano a sottolineare un possibile ruolo protettivo da parte di questi batteri benefici anche nei confronti dei follicoli piliferi e della cute in genere .
Useremo i probiotici anche contro la caduta dei capelli? E' presto per dirlo ma.....
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