The site dedicated to Tuborg Light the answer comes immediately: -30% of calories.
But in what sense can we talk about product light?
Many consumers associate the concept of light beer with the alcohol and not the calories.
Our Tuborg is NOT 'a non-alcoholic beer. It contains 3.3 grams alcohol per 100 ml of product.
Qualche tempo fa abbiamo parlato di birre analcoliche per capire quanto fossero analcoliche e quanto fosse il loro apporto calorico.
In generale valgono le seguenti considerazioni:
Per ottenere il conteggio delle calorie ingerite con la nostra "birretta"basta un semplice calcolo partendo dal fatto che un grammo di alcol fornisce circa 7 calorie.Ma il grado alcolico riportato in etichetta non corrisponde ad 1 g di alcol bensì ad 1 ml di etanolo , che sviluppa all'incirca 5,6 Kcal (5,53 kcal per la precisione).
Se vuoi esercitarti con qualche conteggio ricorda anche che le calorie della birra derivano anche dal malto non fermentato (la cui concentrazione è lower in alcoholic beers, but not negligible in those drinks). For those who like simplicity and a little less math is enough to recall that the non-alcoholic beer has about 15 kcal per 100 g, while an alcoholic with a 5% alcohol by volume equals around 35 Kcal per 100 g.
Thus we see that our Tuborg with 29 Kcal is almost aligned with the beers that are commercially available and in particular those in grade between 3 and 4.5.
Tuborg If the states 30% less calories this will certainly be true ..... but compared to what?
Let us not be influenced by the word LIGHT.
The Philadelphia Light has fewer calories than the product line but it is always a cheese with 16.5% fat and 200 calories per 100g.
Finally we talk about beauty in San Chips CARLO light
Do not be fooled by the table set for a portion of 25g.
The percentage of fat is 25% not to mention the salt content ......
we must not allow the word LIGHT on the packaging of food make us lower our guard completely.
Controlo the label carefully and check if your calorie intake, alcohol, fat and salt is consistent with our diet, possibly with some "exception to the rule."
The important not to associate the concept of "light" by the "diet" or low calorie .... as you can see is not always true.
If you want to read something more about the free beer go here
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