Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Percent Of My Body Is Muscle?

Ancora un sequestro di Integratori contraffatti; questa volta tocca agli "anti-sbornia"

I put quotation marks around the word "anti-sbornia" perchè il claim è tutto da dimostrare .

Esistono infatti molte sostanze, tra cui vitamine ed estratti vegetali, che possono aiutare il fegato a metabolizzare l'alcol ma certamente non in maniera tale da farlo scomparire dalla circolazione sanguigna in un battibaleno .

Ci troviamo quindi di fronte ad una vera e propria truffa quando un prodotto dichiara di poter annullare gli effetti dell'alcol misurabili con l'etilometro o anche semplicemente camuffare completamente l'alcolemia rilevata dal fiato o con un prelievo di sangue.

E 'is yet another case of counterfeit supplements and charges may become more' severe if the laboratory tests will detect substances classified as "drugs".

There is also an increased risk for driving because drinkers may also get to drive after taking the product thinking they had regained their sobriety.

The recommendations are always those not drive if you drink more than one glass of wine or beer , not to risk our lives, that of others and not least the driver's license (essential for many categories workers).

Here's an excerpt of the press ANSA:

ROMA, 28 GEN - Twenty thousand packs of drinks called 'anti-hangover' seized in Italy. The operation 'was carried out by the police of Nas and reports a disturbing phenomenon: is increasing among young people, experts say, the use of these products in circulation for several years and held a sort of' antidote 'to excesses of Saturday night.

This is despite the researchers leave no doubt about the ineffectiveness of the 'anti-alcohol potions'. Sold as a nightclub or on the Internet, these beverages, toxicologists warn, could lead young people to get to guida, magari dopo una serata di eccessi, nella convinzione di riuscire ad 'azzerare' il tasso alcolemico nel sangue semplicemente assumendo uno di questi cocktail.

Niente di piu' errato, afferma il presidente della Societa' italiana di alcologia Emanuele Scafato, parlando di un ''mito da sfatare''. - BEVANDE ANTI-SBORNIA SEQUESTRATE IN TUTTA ITALIA: Le bevande risultavano "non conformi" perché contenenti "ingredienti non notificati al dicastero della Salute" e sono state sequestrate nell'ambito di attività finalizzate alla ricerca di prodotti potenzialmente pericolosi per la salute. Il prodotto - presentato come disintossicante e digestivo istantaneo con la presunta peculiarità di eliminare gli 'effetti del sabato evening '- has been imported from France and Switzerland for companies operating in Catanzaro and Turin. - EXPERT, MYTH AND NO PROOF OF DEBUNKING EFFECT: There is "no scientific evidence about the effectiveness of so-called anti-hangover drink," he warned the president of the Italian Society of the Director of National Alcohol and alcohol related, Emanuele Scafato. From the scientific point of view, he said,''there are no drinks with anti-hangover effect, since there are substances capable of accelerating the disposal problem of alcohol in the blood creates the conditions necessary for safe driving, in the scientific literature ie this is not any experimental study that proves the effectiveness of these products. " Da qui il monito dell'esperto: "I ragazzi che pensano così di riuscire ad abbattere fino al livello zero, come prevede la legge per i minori di 21 anni, il tasso di alcolemia dopo aver consumato bevande alcoliche, sono in grande errore; l'invito dunque, anche se si sono assunte queste bevande, resta assolutamente quello di non mettersi alla guida". Eppure, gia' nel 2006 l'Autorita' Antitrust aveva comminato ad una ditta di 'bevande anti-sbornia' una multa di 47 mila e 500 euro per le frasi ingannevoli utilizzate per pubblicizzare il prodotto e che promettevano, appunto, di accelerare lo smaltimento dell'alcol. Ma tra i giovani della movida notturna il 'falso mito' delle 'magiche pozioni' sembra essere davvero duro a morire. (ANSA).

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Computer In Desk How To Vent

Ho bisogno di Voi!

Cara ragazzuole...
apro questo post perchè ho bisogno delle vostre opinioni riguardo il sito

Tell me if you have already purchased and all you need to know!

thank you so much I embrace


Moffat Dishwasher Review

Palette Fiaba Notturna di BV

Hello girls, even my dear Bon appetit!
now post reviews of the blades Bottega Verde.

And 'The time has come to tell you about this palette of colors that really beautiful:

Questa palette fa parte dell' edizione limitata " Fiaba notturna" e devo dirvi con sincerità che trovo questa edizione davvero deliziosa!

Ma io vi parlo in particolare di questi 3 ombretti... la prossima foto vi mostra l'effetto sui polpastrelli:
Questa palettina è la Nuances Blu con 3 colori coordinati e sono arricchiti con olio di nocciolo di Albicocca e olio di Jojoba.

Io a primo impatto sono rimasta colpita dal blu.... ma purtroppo sull'occhio non da lo stesso effetto.
come potete notare voi stesse la pigmentazione non è the best, especially when applied to the Blue eyes with the gray uniforms, and in practice is canceled: (
: '(sad face you guys because apparently that color is very nice!

But the other two, namely the gray and gold I can not complain risk to use them and combine the fine nuances. All in all a nice spoon!

Now I ask the girls who have received this recess or who has bought it, how did you find?
maybe just a problem of my eyelid!

a baciotto

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pinewood Derby Car Star Wars

No More Drama di Essence

heeh tell me ... But this is the time to stay awake and write the post?
and what I can say ... You are quite right, but as I wrote about FB now changed my pace and on your pc there are hardly ever: (
the thing that I miss and turn to your beautiful blog: '(

Vabbhè never mind.
tonight .. I'll show you one of the glazes purchased recently and I showed you in previous post.

Girls but I find it really stupendoooo! and then I must tell you that compared to other Colour & Go I lasted longer.

Lately I really like the pastel shades but even more the lack of glitter and enamel sbrilluccichini!

Product details:
  • Brand - Essence cosmetics;
  • Product - Enamel;
  • Line - Colour &Go;
  • Number -27
  • Name - No More Drama
  • product Quantity - 5 ml;
  • Coverage - 7 and in this picture are 2 passes;
  • drying - good;
  • Price - € 1.29;
Personal comments: This glaze
I lasted 5 days the beauty of a rare thing for color & go (at least on my nails) and I was fully satisfied! I love it \u0026lt;3

I recommend? Course: p

Girls do not tell me you do not like ...

Dolce Notte girls kiss


Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Know If Leather Sofa Is Worth Repair

Ultimi Aquisti Essence...

I think it's impossible to get in front of the stand Essence and not buying anything!

fact, I got a few things but I feel good!
First thing I bought back the tonic, the questions and the second pack that I take, I am Strabo and we do not change for no other tonic!

Then I took the cream to cleanse your face, now is now on nella mia routine viso!

Mi sono lasciata incuriosire dagli ombretti Colour&Shine, ho preso il n. 05 Pretty Rockin' che è sul Nero/grigio con shimmerini!

Ovviamente ho preso altri Colour&Go e la mia collezione aumenta!

Da sx:
  • n. 27 No More Drama;
  • n. 24 Underwater;
  • n.31 Hypnotic Poison
Mi dite come vi trovate voi con gli Ombretti Colour&shine?
l'uso migliore è bagnato vero???



What To Wear To Volleyball Tryouts

Swatch Movie Star

Finalmente è arrivato il suo momento! 
With all the glazes I have, I found an opportunity here to put this wonderful Gray! : P

part of the new arrivals of Essence and it is wonderful!
and who would have thought! think that a few months ago I used only the clear or Pearl White - Now I hate it hahaha

Product details:
  • Brand - Essence cosmetics;
  • Product - Enamel;
  • Line - Colour &Go;
  • Number - 35
  • Name - Movie Star
  • product Quantity - 5 ml;
  • Coverage - 7 and in this picture are 2 passes;
  • Drying - good;
  • Price - € 1.29;
I recommend? IT is really nice:) Besitos


Car Starter Average Lifetime

Regali CK

Good afternoon girls ... little post to show you received any gift at Christmas but I have not yet shown!
thank my Amicina Lucia for these wonderful gifts \u0026lt;3
Ben ke is a known eye shadow mono + 2 mini lip gloss
I really like this color is no 108 OliveTwist and is very writer!
I love the Lip gloss and these are extremely easy to carry in your purse!
the first is the nuance "Diamond" and the second is "Cream" both have some great shimmerini inside!

MakeUpposi and gifts I Love You?? :) Kiss


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Best Dslr Camera Bag For Hiking

Nail Art Delicius Berry

So to make sense of this glaze I've done on the flowers!

Quick and easy vipiace??


Girdle Models With Big Boobs

Smalto Profumato

Girls Good evening!
In this post I show you the second of three enamel I profumai:

I tell you now that as the other is not covered and these are 3 passes! TOO MANY!
Once spread has a pleasant fragrance of some fruits indefinitely! hihihi
Product details:
  • Brand - Avon;
  • Product - Enamel;
  • Line - Colour Trend Ice Sheers;
  • Number-na
  • Name - Berry Delicius
  • product Quantity - 8 ml ;
  • Coverage - 4 in this 3 photos are passed away;
  • drying - good;
  • Price - In Italy € 5.00 € 2.50
  • Rep Ceka
personal considerations: If you want
and courage to spend € 5.00 for the curiosity of sniff fingernails do well, but I do not recommend this nail polish.

Tell me your experience with these glazes ..

a kiss and see you soon with the next post on the latest Nail Art

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stores That Sell Inovas

Scrap Art! e chi se la scorda più!

Girls show you something that is absolutely not about the world of the makeup and nail art, but it is one of my hobby that I love but unfortunately now due to lack time at the moment I left!
Imagine that first gave soul and corpo a questo hobby ed avevo anche un Blog con tutte le mie creazioni...

Quanti ricordi ... e quanti rimpianti.... ritornerò tra voi care amiche Scrappine! <3 <3 <3

Girando tra i vari blog delle Scrapper ho trovato questa bellissima idea come biglietto di Natale, mi scuso se non linko nessuno ma non mi ricordo dove ho preso l'idea!

Vi mostro la mia interpretazione di un biglietto porta mancia!

 Ecco come funziona la taschina porta soldi!
Questo biglietto l'ho made for my cousin from my parents!

I apologize for not relevant, but I wanted to share a 'My other passion!
What do you think? You know

a hug

Cineplex Silvercity Brampton

Camel Gold di Astra

I show that I put the glaze for the Christmas holidays ...

I wanted to create a nail art just for the holidays, but among the many things to do, I decided to spread this glaze that seems to be made to mail for Christmas!

I leave with an 'other photos:

Product details:
  • Brand - MakeUp ASTRA;
  • Product - Enamel;
  • Line - Fall / Winter 2010/2011;
  • Number -142
  • Name - Camel Gold
  • product Quantity - 12 ml;
  • Deadline: 36 months from 'Opening
  • Coverage - 7 in this picture are 2 passes;
  • Drying - Rating 5;
  • Price - € 1.50.
considerations.: Drying
I was not satisfied, I state that I also used the goccine!
Unfortunately I did not have much time to wait so I had to be dried and Eve, Christmas Day and St. Stephen with the right thumb and index all fell apart! sacrilege! (
I will give another chance to polish this ... We'll see!

Maxy A kiss to you all and Happy Sunday!


Plastic Tongue Rings Bacteria

Un minuto di rispettoso silenzio per....

is he, one of my first brushes ... I was really well are extremely distraught: (
E 'brush' Eyeshadow brush "baseline of Elf to € 1.70 ... and tell me what you expected??

But I care a lot about that brush do not tell me anything but I have to retrieve ...!
What do you think of hot glue?

And do not tell me to throw it! No way!: p I look forward to you

Stefania kiss

Friday, January 7, 2011

Orabase Soothe And Seal

Loop File di Essence

Good evening girls ....!
know is Tardino .. but I feel in the mood!
I speak of this file a little bit different and nice ....
In the new arrivals Essence of curve is this file that I'm appreciating every day!
reviews I've read and seen many disagree, but I must tell you that I am comfortable there.

E 'file has a grain light in both sides, I find it very convenient especially now that I decided to change the shape of the nail from square to round.

I suggest this file for your convenience ..
Sorry I can not remember the price but all now know how the prices of essence!

I think I've said it all ....

you 'you bought?
How do you feel?



Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Denise Milani Breast Weight

Swatch smalto n. 30 di Essence

Buon sera... oggi giornata produttiva!
Sono nuovamente qui per mostrarvi uno degli ultimi smalti che ho acquistato.

è il n. 30 YOU'RE THE ONE che è un bellissimo e sobrio tono di rosa.

Come già sapete io sono un pò fissata con i colour & go e pian piano riuscirò a prendere tutti!

Scheda Prodotto:
  • Marca - Essence cosmetics;
  • Prodotto - Smalto;
  • Linea - Colour&Go;
  • Numero - 30
  • Nome - You're the One
  • Product quantity - 5 ml;
  • Coverage - 7 and 1 / 2 in this picture are 2 passes;
  • drying - good;
  • Price - € 1.29;
products recommended for color, speed and aciugatura for the price!

Girls but you managed to resist these smaltino so delicious?
you also have this color?



Net 10 Service Disabled

Buff'd Cosmetics Review

girls Good afternoon, today
I tell you my experience with dela products Buff'd Cosmetics
For those unfamiliar with this house on cosmetics official site you can find all information about their products including this one:
" mineral cosmetics made with the best minerals and pigments , oils and waxes , and natural fragrances - all free of irritants and toxins that can be harmful to the skin . "
Thanks to the initiative dedicated to Beauty Blogger I could try some of their products for free.

Today I will speak of the 7 products I used:
I arrived in the small samples of the bags, very convenient for shipping, but at the same time very, very awkward to pick up the product, so I used some various containers to transfer the various powders!

Start with show the foundation shade that I chose to use:
This is the key Neutral - Light clear (unfortunately as I am)
and now I show you how it 's once nuanced:
Here we understand very well that the color evens out the skin and the effect is there but there is nn! and I must tell you that is just what I wanted ... I hate feeling a heavy layer of foundation!

This product can be found HERE conodità and there is a choice between full-size bed or salple refill kit!

Now to Blush:
Very nice very suitable to my skin tone is a pink peach with the shimmerini very pretty!
This blush
a special touch to my cheeks! : P The name is
TRICKY and found HERE.

We are talking of 'illuminating:
A beautiful color - a very delicate gold with small flare. Bellissimooo
mmm this picture is not clear, but I love this lighting! His name is
Candlelight and can be found HERE . Now

v shows the two eyeshadows quaint for my taste but are not very writers, you guys make me if I should see I do not accept half measures!
The colors are very nice e si rinforzano un pò applicandoli bagnati...
a sinistra c'è il RABIT mentre a sinistra c'è il GRACIOUS.

Per quanto riguarda l'eyeliner:
Vi mostro lo STORMY però steso così sul dorso... il colore è molto bello un Blu notte con riflessi viola e argento. Da asciutto non mi ha soddisfatta ma da bagnato mi piace davvero molto.
Devo dirvi che ho provato anche ad usarlo come ombretto è mi piace. lo trovate QUI .

Per finire vi parlo dell' unico prodotto che ancora non ho trovato il contenitore per usarlo al meglio....
Il Bronzer. Adattissimo a me, ho una difficolta estrema ad usarlo but sooner or later be able to find a container!
Her name is Honey can be found HERE . It has a very beautiful and delicate pearl.

These were my first mineral products ... except for some cases eg. eye shadows, are satisfied with these products. I apologize for the photos but I can not do better! I consider this product very good especially the foundation that I recommend to all! Ovviamete if you take these products must take into account that many contain shimmerini and maybe someone can not please, but I SII! : P

I embrace the next
