Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where Is The Hm Remover In Pokemon Gold

La farmacovigilanza diventa Social

Fino ad oggi la raccolta di informazioni sugli effetti collaterali of drugs was through a network of doctors and pharmacists who sent paper models the ministerial structures who used to collect and process data.

But in the era of Web 2.0 also Pharmacovigilance is about to become Social.

two important news:

  • direct participation of patients in reporting adverse events;

  • use the Web to relay signals elle d € ;
But now we see that happen This sea change ...

Everything is an initiative of the European Parliament has recently approved a new warning system.
soon will be the same patients to report directly, via the web, or unwanted side effects.

Many physicians have always raised doubts that the current detection system could underestimate or overestimate in most cases (in the case of newly introduced drugs) the actual frequency with which you experience side effects.

Linda McAvan According to the rapporteur, MEP British group of the Progressive Socialist Democrats, it is clear that with the help of 500 millions of people involved, you can have a more clear and precise picture of the tolerability of drugs on the market.

To achieve the European network will be created national sites are linked to a European portal.
They will have the function of disseminating information about drugs ee possible adverse effects and should include the assessment relazionidi and summaries of product characteristics and package leaflets.

The database "Eudravigilance" will soon be the point of collection and analysis of all pharmacovigilance information from pharmaceutical companies and national authorities.
The operational phase will start in 18 months when the new legislation will come into force in member countries.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Clawfoot Tub Solutions

Il mercato cinese degli Integratori Alimentari

The Chinese market for food supplements achieved a turnover of over $ 8 billion and shows a growth of around 9%.
These figures are very high for a developing country, according to data presented by Jeff Crowther Executive Diretor of the Natural Products Association in the presentation attached.

The potential del mercato a maturità è inimmaginabile, se pensiamo che stiamo parlando di oltre 1,3 miliardi di persone di cui già 300 milioni sono consumatori.

La Cina offre anche opportunità per le industrie alimentari e di prodotti naturali addirittura superiori a quelle degli Usa secondo una ricerca del NBJ Nutrition Business Journal

Dal punto di vista regolatorio esistono ancora zone d'ombra e manca addirittura una definizione precisa di "integratore" nella legislazione del paese Asiatico.

Il mercato è per il 50% costituito dalle vendite dirette e c'è un forte interesse per prodotti di origine USA.

Le farmacie dominano con l'80% il canale retail.

Nel If you wish to access this growing market do not forget to get a copy of the book by Virginia Busato : Knowing the Chinese, Ed Frnco Angels

I strongly suggest you consult the chapter on how to avoid the gaffes.
E 'can be downloaded for free from the website dedicated to the book