Sunday, May 23, 2010

Your-feet In-public Go Barefoot

Carenze vitaminiche indotte da farmaci: il caso di metformina e Vit B12

Traditional medicine in recent years has led a fight without quarter against the vitamins and food supplements claiming that vitamin deficiencies are now rare in industrialized countries where it has access to a rich and varied diet.

Our view is very different and every day vengono alla luce casi di "insufficienti livelli di nutrienti essenziali" in fasce di popolazione vastissime .

Abbiamo fatto riferimento in un passato articolo al caso della Vit. D, che negli over 65 non ha quasi mai livelli sufficienti a garantire un ottimale funzionamento del sistema immunitario e del metabolismo minerale osseo (specialmente durante l'inverno in cui è minore l'esposizione al sole).

In un'intervista di qualche anno fa l'eminente Prof. Garattini, parlando appunto di Vitamine, diceva che le carenze di Vit. B 12 si riscontrano oggigiorno solo in pazienti con diete vegetariane molto strette (visto che la Vit. B12 è presente solo in fonti animali including eggs).

Clinical research seem to present a different picture and there is also presented in the case of a vitamin deficiency induced by drugs. And the case of

Metformin, a product widely used in the treatment of type II diabetes.

The study in question ( de Jager J, et al "Long-term treatment with metformin in Patients with type 2 diabetes and risk of vitamin B-12 deficiency: randomized placebo controlled trial" BMJ 2010; DOI: 10.1136/bmj.c2181 . ) published in the British Medical Journal, shows that treatment with metformin is related to deficiencies of Vitamin B12 which should be monitored and supplemented if necessary in patients.

induced deficiency is not a transitory but is steadily growing , as seen in the study lasted for over four years that involved 390 patients with diabetes.

deficiency of vitamin B 12 was also associated with lower values \u200b\u200b homocysteine \u200b\u200band folate .

Although a previous study had already shown the same evidence in the short term
( Alaball-Vidal J, et al "Reduced serum vitamin B-12 in Patients taking metformin" BMJ 2010; DOI: 10.1136/bmj.c2198. ) The findings were accompanied by two editorials well skeptics who raise serious doubts about the need for vitamin supplements and advance the hypothesis that metformin is not to cause a shortage but the change in eating habits.

Symptoms of low levels of serum Vit B12 are very common in older people and especially involve the nervous system. A severe deficiency leads to ' pernicious anemia.
You may experience weakness and pain in the arms and legs, decreased reflexes and sensory perception, difficulty walking and talking (stuttering), muscle spasms, memory loss, weakness and fatigue, disorientation, loss of feeling or perception of less pain that presents with different symptoms and intensity.
The British Medical Journal (March 26, 1966) said: "It ' vero che una carenza di vitamina B12 può portare a gravi sintomi psicotici, che possono variare in gravità, da leggeri mutamenti dell’umore, lentezza mentale e difetti nella memoria, a gravi sintomi di carattere psicotico. Occasionalmente, questi disturbi mentali possono essere le prime manifestazioni di una carenza di vitamina B12”.
La carenza di vitamina B12 si manifesta anche con nervosismo, neuriti, cattivo odore del corpo e disturbi mestruali. Se tale carenza non viene diagnosticata agli stadi iniziali, può sfociare in un deterioramento mentale permanente e in paralisi
A volte si possono occasionalmente riscontrare splenomegalia e epatomegalia. Possono concomitare diverse manifestazioni a carico del tratto GI, tra cui anoressia, constipation, intermittent diarrhea and diffuse abdominal pain. Glossitis, usually described as "burning tongue" can be an early symptom. It is often a considerable weight loss.
A rare sign of fever is ndd, which responds promptly to treatment with B12.

Dietary sources
remember that vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin is naturally present in the following foods: meat, liver, eggs .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fotos De Milena Velba

Allergie Alimentari? I Doctors do not know exactly what they are

And 'what emerges from a study published in the Journal of American Medical Association
titled: Diagnosis and management of common allergies and intolerances.

Chafen Schneider JJ, et al "Diagnosis and managing common food allergies," JAMA 2010, 303 (18): 1848-56.

The lack of clear definitions prevents coherent collection of data and the ability to program good clinical research and interventions for prevention and treatment.

" This systematic review of the evidence shows that food allergy prevalence, diagnosis, management and prevention is voluminous, widespread, but limited by a critical lack of uniformity in the diagnostic field, and this severely limits the versatile and complete to draw conclusions on best practices for the management and prevention .

The review considered 72 clinical research: a meta-analysis of the incidence and prevalence, 18 studies on the diagnosis, and 53 on management and prevention .

When it comes to head start coming home to roost as the nodes are too many methods used to determine food allergies (history, skin tests, IgE etc.).

In the case of allergies reported by patients and not verified in the laboratory, the prevalence was as follows:
Cows' Eggs
3.5%: 1.3%
Peanuts: 0.75%

Fish: 0.6%
Crustaceans: 1.1%
and soybeans? Seems to be missing one of the most common food allergens other studies ....

allergies and intolerances are on the rise?
to this question also the study was not able to respond
According to the U.S. population-based studies analyzed only one showed a significant growth falling from 3.3% of children in 1997 to 3.9% 2007.

there a test better than another?
The study can not provide an answer ..
" loads food, skin-prick testing, specific IgE in serum all have a role in determining the diagnosis but no test has a sensitivity and ease of use that it must be considered better than others " say the researchers Jama

and management of allergies and intolerances?
Looking at 25 studies and clinical investigations have found 7 different strategies:


deletion and immunotherapy are poorly studied, showed the first results in atopic dermatitis; hydrolyzed formulas may reduce intolerance in children with allergies to cow's milk;
Probiotics may reduce skin problems in children;

In conclusion, the researchers admit that despite the enormous amount of studies on the fundamental questions remain open:

Prevalence, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of allergies and food allergies are still a problem faced by modern medicine.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Puppy Party Invitation Rhyme

Who can do without a mobile?

I wanted to share some thoughts on a nice presentation of Leonardo Bellini the theme "Mobile Strategy 2010".


"it's 2013, 2014 or even earlier, access from mobile web are designed to exceed those of desktop (source: Gartner Group and Morgan Stanley)"

"I have a key role SN in the advance of mobile web , a phenomenon confirmed by successful completion of FB on Google in the U.S. occurred in large part thanks to mobile devices and push services ";

" Smartphone the increasingly widespread: 35% of Italians between 25 34 years and have one "

"The ALSO revolutionize mobile e-commerce , dedicated to it thanks to applications that take advantage of location services and features web 2.0"

"iPad Kindle and will have a dramatic impact on publishing and everything the world of communications, marketing and advertising related to it.
The changes will also be positive in terms of turnover since the electronic formats are already stimulating to read and buy books and newspapers "

" Within three years of electronic publishing has reached 5.8% of the market share (source PriceCooperHouse) "

" Many of the top 500 brands in the world have their iPhone App "

I agree with Leonardo Bellini to the fact that the navigation tools on mobile and therefore will differ more from those on disk.

Applications using systems of geographical location (eg. Foursquare , Gowalla ) for building value-added "on the spot" to companies that will be able to identify, reach and engage potential customers.

Our mobile digital assistants are the perfect tools for a multi-channel marketing innovative.