Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bathroom Purple Colors

EFSA advice on what to eat to stay healthy

The European Food Safety Authority - EFSA , which stands for European Food Safety Authority is an agency of the European Union established in January 2002 and is based in Parma, Italy. Provides scientific advice and effective communication of risk issues, existing and emerging, associated with the food chain
The institution has recently defined the reference values \u200b\u200b(DRV) for the recruitment of some nutrients.

- The overall carbohydrate intake should range between 45% and 60% total energy intake;

(Do not come to the contribution limits of simple sugars and, worse still, no favorite foods are low GI.
effermato is even evidence that the role of the glycemic index and glycemic load on obesity and cardiovascular risk are not yet conclusive)

- taking 25 grams of dietary fiber per day is sufficient for normal bowel function in adults;

- should contrbuire fat intake to 25% and 35% total energy contribution; warnings about saturated fat and trans ipercolesterolemizzante for the effect, which should therefore be reduced and replaced with healthier polyunsaturated ;

- the daily intake of 250 mg of Omega 3 fatty acids in adults can reduce the risk of heart disease;

- Women should take 2 gallons of water per day, men 2.5;

Pitcures And More About Verjinas

Bar Code Scanning for Social Media Marketing

The new iPhone applications make it possible scenarios that only 2 years ago would have been considered science fiction.
The ability to read bar codes and access to the database of a social network offers' consumActors "evolved a series of supplementary information" on the spot "to influence and change the purchasing process.

Video Reported by Andrey Golub

Anobii offers us an example of a possible acquisition "Social influenced" not only ..

Saying About 1st Birthday Cake

  • Scheduled for June 9 to 10 next the International Forum on Enterprise 2.0

  • Where: Milan Marriott Hotel Washington via

  • After the success - not only in numerical terms - in previous years, the International Forum on Enterprise 2.0 returns with a new formula even richer content, but as a benchmark for those who want to increase productivity, efficiency, responsiveness and innovative drive of your organization through approaches participated and collaborative.

  • The program will address the problems of 360 degrees internal collaboration, involvement of customers and the open innovation with special attention to the following themes:

  • Define the strategy and build the business case

  • New organizational structures and leadership models

  • Supporting the adoption and cultural change

  • business drivers, metrics and ROI

  • Framework to cultivate community and engage customers

  • The impact of social media on business processes: ERP 2.0, CRM 2.0, PLM 2.0

  • Best practice e lezioni attraverso casi di successo nazionali ed internazionali

  • Il passaggio dal marketing al social CRM

  • Social media marketing e PR 2.0

  • Intranet 2.0

  • Idea management e prediction market

  • Software sociali e piattaforme collaborative

Evento su Facebook

Birthday Favor Bags Dora The Explorer

keynote Leonardo Bellini

Grazie Leonardo per questa fantastica presentazione.
Tutti dovrmmo riflettere sull'approccio POST (persone,obbiettivi,strategia, tecnologia) quando elaboriamo i nostri obiettivi (ascoltare, parlare, mobilitare, supportare, accogliere).
Provocative ideas on the measurement of ROI in Social Media Marketing.
In my opinion we are still far from having available tools effective enough to be seriously taken into account in daily practice. We must be content with only indirect indicators that assess the impact of short.
yet there are few companies that truly want to increase their reputation, credibility and build loyalty and trust. Indeed, it is still widely prevalent a blind approach "sales" driven by poor accounting from overwork.