defend the label! Pear & Almond Pound cake
reappear, to sponsor the appeal in defense of the law 204.
faithfully reflects the text that I found on Slowfood to explain what it speaks:
"We defend the tag! We want to know the origin of the products we eat
Law 204 ( approved August 3, 2004) established a fundamental rule in the labeling of food and agricultural products, inserting the obligation to indicate the geographical origin ("made in Italy"). A good law, generated by a popular initiative promoted by Coldiretti, supported da un milione e mezzo di firme e approvata in modo compatto dal Parlamento: una legge a tutela dei cittadini-consumatori e a beneficio degli stessi imprenditori agricoli. Questa legge rischia di venire drasticamente ridimensionata nella sua efficacia, per la pretesa necessità di allinearsi alle disposizioni dell’Unione Europea, la quale ritiene che riportare in etichetta l’origine degli alimenti sia di ostacolo al libero mercato e alla concorrenza . Il disegno di legge comunitaria 2007, in discussione nel nostro Parlamento, prevede l’abrogazione di alcuni articoli che impongono l’apposizione della dicitura “italiano” sulle etichette dell’olio, della pasta, beverages, poultry and other agro-food products typical of our country: a serious threat to the quality and diversity of our food and so evocative of the Mediterranean diet . There remain, for now, the signs of ' source of fruit and vegetables, milk, fish, beef, honey and eggs (because these foods are regulated by other rules) but we can not hide the concern that these products may soon be seeing the same provisions or weakened the control action . For this reason, Slow Food and Coldiretti ask Italian MPs of all political groups to defend the work that the Parliament same was done with the approval of Law 204 , and to take a decisive action that Italy might be extended to all European Union countries, to defend the identity agro-food . The reasons to oppose vigorously defend this law and to repeal the indication of origin are many: • why the proposed repeal is in contrast to what we and other associations of entrepreneurs, consumers and citizens we have done in recent years to enhance the traditional features of typical and quality of our agri-food, • because it is possible that more than 4000 typical Italian products can tutti accedere a marchi europei onerosi e complessi quali DOP o IGP; • perché l’Unione Europea continua a legiferare in merito a qualità e tipicità prestando attenzione unicamente alla conformità igienico sanitaria, ma consentendo di fatto vere assurdità gastronomiche quali aranciata senza una goccia di succo d’arancia, cioccolato con grassi diversi dal burro di cacao, pasta secca fatta con farina di grano tenero, prodotti con percentuali tollerate di OGM;• perché non è giusto che si privilegino esclusivamente marchi e ricette, ovvero la tutela aziendale rispetto all’origine territoriale, dando corpo ancora una volta alle preoccupazioni di chi individua nelle strategie della UE la chiara volontà to reward a philosophy of industrial production, standardized, which were not protected territories, local food traditions, the small-scale agriculture, sustainability, • because the indication of origin shall ensure the traceability and contributes to the prevention of risks facing the health emergencies and food are increasing due to the increase in global trade; • because the indication of origin represents a value for all countries, developed or not, because you can enhance the distinctiveness of different areas. claim the RIGHT TO KNOW THE GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN OF FOODS: THE RIGHT TO CHOOSING THE BEST PRODUCT THAT ENHANCES QUALITY, TRADITION AND IDENTITY, THE MORE WE LIKE PRODUCT AND WARRANTIES OF HEALTH AND WELFARE. "
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