Tuesday, December 11, 2007
River Boat Tour For Sale

Friday, November 9, 2007
Implantation Bleeding Mucus White

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
My 60th Birthday Speech

Oh. Finally I found this recipe for me spectacular, my favorite dish when I was a child and forced my mom to let me for every birthday celebration and everything else! La Couronne d'aubergines, the crown of eggplant!
And what better time to try to do it again if not for the opening dinner of our new home?! (No. We're not done. I still have books lying next to the bed and 2 cabinets ikea to dismantle and bring back and I learned to creep over your eyes closed, for example ...:)) -6
eggplants (long type)
- 300 g of rice (carnaroli)
-400 g of tomato
-2 slices of ham cut top (to make the cubes)
-1 onion -1 clove of garlic-basil
evo-oil-Salt and pepper
Cut the ham into small cubes and set aside. 5
Cut eggplant into thin slices for the length but consistent (so that you do not spappolino) and 1 cut into cubes instead. Fry the eggplant slices and place them in a bundt mold to create the entire case. Surely if the eggplant does not need to put two pieces are long and make sure the slices overlap slightly and leave the outside edges of the pan. Far
brown the diced eggplant with 3 or 4 tablespoons of olive oil and garlic. Apart from cooking the rice and then flavor it with a little 'in raw oil, the diced ham and fried eggplant.
Make a simple gravy with the past, onion and basil, salt and pepper. Do a little shake.
Spread the seasoned rice into the crown of each eggplant and spoon to press it very well compacted. Close to the end with strips of eggplant, press well with your hands and bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Serve by putting the sauce in the center of the crown. Cut into slices and serve with a spoonful of sauce.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Fred Meyer Dinnerware
I've seen. This investigation the BBC. I do not know if it will ever be broadcast in Italy. I am a thinking human being. And I create the problem. To share with those who pass by here the shit that we've seen.
I do not want to discuss, on anything. Only for right to information, take a look. Just to.
Then everyone will make his opinion or did not make it.
**** Update. The video has been removed ****
Friday, May 4, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Vitamin B12 Injections Whilst Pregnant
This is the question that makes me feel more pleasure to do!
But but but ... there is no answer. My plan is to continue to cook, try to smell it as soon as possible. The blog is here and riprenderelo account in his hands as soon as possible!
Now imagine me like that. Like this panda. I am exhausted and tired of beautiful emotions.
I and the photographer went to live together! Cool right? It is cool. If it were not for those three or four nonsense that the issue involves workers .... white wall or wall color. No love the pink really makes me sick. From this we buy from the nicest brush drawings in which channels we do the whole bedroom. No, no, that sucks. The lights we put them in L or T? And the Polish saint who helps you in sudden architect. No ma'am spotlights so I do not put them (?) Who lends us a car to go to the Brico? Ah yes the old aunt, but do children in two hours I need. Run, run ingurgita lunch notions stores the clerk of the DIY, because the temperature only goes on the ceiling and washable? How many square meters? Boh. But what do I know. Turns on his heels and make us feel even an episode from Ikea, shake strollers, sgom pulls, improvised tightrope to run the department that interests you. In five minutes you spent money on something that was not right. But then, laugh.
We have a bit of blue in the paint from. Oh, that's cold. Then a bit of brown. Mddaaiii!
White. Ok. all white. Kill as blinds. How far is it? Oh God. All white, I did not realize that the doors windows all the fixtures are beige cream gone bad. Whose turn is it? you love, you're so good with the glaze! How high were the windows? More than two meters? but until now as I did?
Ops. no kitchen. But what's missing? A week love! A settimanaaaaa and cartoons? whom are they from? who takes them there? Who fills them?
And here. a digression. I leave my house. Wonderful and exciting adventure for sure. But rinscatolare my life once again gives me an air of wandering under the influence of soft drugs. Life goes on adventures and live. You start all new habits and new hours new love to give and receive. Or just to smell in the air as the morning after getting up.
Now you tell me in all this chaos, how can I decide well on my severance pay?
Friday, April 13, 2007
What Is The Best Treatment For Joint

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Implantation Bleeding Cervical Mucus Clear
reappear, to sponsor the appeal in defense of the law 204.
faithfully reflects the text that I found on Slowfood to explain what it speaks:
"We defend the tag! We want to know the origin of the products we eat
Law 204 ( approved August 3, 2004) established a fundamental rule in the labeling of food and agricultural products, inserting the obligation to indicate the geographical origin ("made in Italy"). A good law, generated by a popular initiative promoted by Coldiretti, supported da un milione e mezzo di firme e approvata in modo compatto dal Parlamento: una legge a tutela dei cittadini-consumatori e a beneficio degli stessi imprenditori agricoli. Questa legge rischia di venire drasticamente ridimensionata nella sua efficacia, per la pretesa necessità di allinearsi alle disposizioni dell’Unione Europea, la quale ritiene che riportare in etichetta l’origine degli alimenti sia di ostacolo al libero mercato e alla concorrenza . Il disegno di legge comunitaria 2007, in discussione nel nostro Parlamento, prevede l’abrogazione di alcuni articoli che impongono l’apposizione della dicitura “italiano” sulle etichette dell’olio, della pasta, beverages, poultry and other agro-food products typical of our country: a serious threat to the quality and diversity of our food and so evocative of the Mediterranean diet . There remain, for now, the signs of ' source of fruit and vegetables, milk, fish, beef, honey and eggs (because these foods are regulated by other rules) but we can not hide the concern that these products may soon be seeing the same provisions or weakened the control action . For this reason, Slow Food and Coldiretti ask Italian MPs of all political groups to defend the work that the Parliament same was done with the approval of Law 204 , and to take a decisive action that Italy might be extended to all European Union countries, to defend the identity agro-food . The reasons to oppose vigorously defend this law and to repeal the indication of origin are many: • why the proposed repeal is in contrast to what we and other associations of entrepreneurs, consumers and citizens we have done in recent years to enhance the traditional features of typical and quality of our agri-food, • because it is possible that more than 4000 typical Italian products can tutti accedere a marchi europei onerosi e complessi quali DOP o IGP; • perché l’Unione Europea continua a legiferare in merito a qualità e tipicità prestando attenzione unicamente alla conformità igienico sanitaria, ma consentendo di fatto vere assurdità gastronomiche quali aranciata senza una goccia di succo d’arancia, cioccolato con grassi diversi dal burro di cacao, pasta secca fatta con farina di grano tenero, prodotti con percentuali tollerate di OGM;• perché non è giusto che si privilegino esclusivamente marchi e ricette, ovvero la tutela aziendale rispetto all’origine territoriale, dando corpo ancora una volta alle preoccupazioni di chi individua nelle strategie della UE la chiara volontà to reward a philosophy of industrial production, standardized, which were not protected territories, local food traditions, the small-scale agriculture, sustainability, • because the indication of origin shall ensure the traceability and contributes to the prevention of risks facing the health emergencies and food are increasing due to the increase in global trade; • because the indication of origin represents a value for all countries, developed or not, because you can enhance the distinctiveness of different areas. claim the RIGHT TO KNOW THE GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN OF FOODS: THE RIGHT TO CHOOSING THE BEST PRODUCT THAT ENHANCES QUALITY, TRADITION AND IDENTITY, THE MORE WE LIKE PRODUCT AND WARRANTIES OF HEALTH AND WELFARE. "
you sign up here Slowfood
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Ureterovesical Junction Kidney Stone
I receive and the public. Taken from "Club Papillon" by Paolo Massobrio.

Well, this week we had a bath of goodness in the province of Pisa. First, almost in the shadow of the tower, we were in store for more good things Read all of Tuscany or Cibitalia , (050.551685) where we met even the owner of the legendary pie Pistocchi and many other specialties. Then the station of San Giuliano, which is a reference point where to stop to read and write and to learn the extraordinary deposits of this area, primarily oil. And here is the extra virgin olive Nicola Bovoli Vicopisano that we will put a raw dressing for a simple plate of pasta in white Martelli of Lari, where you feel the taste of corn still in its fragrance. The sausage is the Salumeria Toscana di San Giovanni alla Vena, or exceptional brawn, while the rest greedy l’abbiamo fatta dai “Compagni di merende” (tel. 050799758), un circolo dove una griglia accesa cuoce una carne di chianina impareggiabile. Ci siamo sentiti a casa. Infine il dolce commovente, che è una torta tipica della Pasqua, prodotta a Caprona dalla pasticceria Centoni (tel. 050788295). Si tratta della Schiacciata, preparata con tripla lievitazione con farina di frumento, zucchero, uova, burro, vaniglia, anice, sale e lieviti di birra. In loco lo mangiano con il salame, noi lo abbiamo apprezzato con un goccio di Marsala, provando gusti di altri tempi e una fragranza inusitata.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Watch Mysore Mallige Blue Film
Someone said pears?!
Well, here is one of the variants I prefer for the four quarters. Pears, almonds and almond paste.
For a die of 22 cm in diameter.
identical Case:
Weigh-3 eggs + yolk
-use the same amount of sugar and butter. For the flour weigh 50 grams less.
-50 gr di farina di mandorle
-100 gr di pasta di mandorle
-2 pere
Stesso procedimento di lavorazione che trovate nella quattro quarti classica e in più aggiungere la farina di mandorle.
Dopo aver passato il composto ottenuto nella teglia, adagiare le pere tagliate a fettine e tra una fetta e l'altra delle palline grandi come nocciole di pasta di mandorle e una un pò più grande al centro.
L'abbiamo disintegrata in un giorno.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Side Effects Of Equal And Sweet And Low
Eccoci. Vi presento la mia scoperta...si lo so scopro sempre tutto in ritardo. Ma l'approccio con la quattro quarti (chiamata così because the ingredients are all in proportion) was disarming.
good cake for breakfast, simple, spongy, very good, and decline to infinity with all the ingredients that come to mind (that is, they propose some variants)! Excellent against the strain of modern life, no!?
Pound cake and apple cinnamon
For a die of 22 cm in diameter.
beautiful apple-juice of half a lemon
-3 + egg yolk (pesatele)
-weight of eggs in butter
-weight of eggs in flour
-egg weight
sugar -1 / 2 packet of yeast
-a spoonful of cinnamon powder
Preheat oven to 150 degrees.
Cut apples into small pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice. In a large bowl with a spatula, work the butter softened and cut into small pieces until it is creamy. Add sugar and continue to whisk until creamy. Add eggs (one at this point you can use the electric whisk!) And then, slowly mixed with the sifted flour and baking powder. Mix evenly and add the last pezzatti of apple and cinnamon.
Pour into greased and floured baking pan and bake for about 40 minutes.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Constpation And Uti, Man
Spaghetti alla carbonara is one of the typical Roman dishes, along with the gricia pasta, cheese and pepper and mythical extinct rigatoni with pajata .... sigh.
should use fresh eggs, I have a paranoia on the eggs and then use only those that come from the farm every week along with organic vegetables. Otherwise buy the ultra fresh chickens on the ground, those on the moon make the egg to the contrary ... (oh well)
Carefully follow the procedure, some small attentions make these unforgettable spaghetti!
For 2 persons:
-250 grams of spaghetti (yes, there are many, but I assure you that for 2 finiranno)
-1 uovo intero
-1 tuorlo
-1 fetta di guanciale
-una cucchiaiata di burro
-olio evo
-pepe nero & sale
Mentre l'acqua raggiunge il bollore, far sciogliere in una padella il burro e l'olio in parti uguali senza farli friggere. Aggiungere il guanciale tagliato a dadini piccoli e far rosolare velocemente. Non aggiungere sale.
Spegnere il fuoco e far raffreddare il tutto. E' importante altrimenti le uova verranno a frittata.
Una volta raffreddato, per una decina di minuti, aggiungere le uova precedentemente sbattute, tantissimo pepe nero e mischiare tutto per benino in the pan.
Drain the spaghetti and toss very hot leaving little watery in the pan, where the egg will cook in seconds. E 'therefore necessary to mix well. Be avoided to the fire again, the egg coagulates immediately. Only if we realize that too much water is left to right for a quick sfiammata heat.
Here. And, for intellectual honesty, I must admit that "the photographer" makes them better than me!
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Trailer Lease Agreement .doc
So. First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Groundhog year posting a recipe that is so dear to me, is a risotto that I do often, for quiet evenings, when after give you a crazy week last a good glass of wine and relax following the preparation of rice ...
Specifically, the original recipe calls for the Barolo and if it has certainly is delicious!
Um, I personally always do with the classic Chianti, at least 2003. The wine must not be too young otherwise sour everything.
Good. Let's start!
For 2 servings:
- 3 coffee cups full of rice
1 liter of vegetable stock or lightly salted water
-1 full glass of red wine shallot
-1! small-
a slice of bacon
-smoked olive oil and salt to taste
Boil the broth. Dice the bacon and set aside. Thinly slice the shallots and brown them in a large skillet with 3 tablespoons of oil. Also add the bacon and let go until the fat is not transparent. Add rice and toast. Sprinkle with a glass of wine, let it dry and start adding the hot broth to cover rice ladles each time you dry the water, until cooked. It 'best not to touch the rice while it is cooking, let it firm and motionless, just add water. In the smoked cheese and cut into pieces small enough.
A couple of minutes before the end of cottura aggiungere al risotto la scamorza tagliata e girare fin quando non si scioglierà e mischierà al riso. Servire!